Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest 2014 in Edinburgh
22 December 2014
A team of 13 Multrees staff took part in the Men's Health Survival of the Fittest 2014 run in Edinburgh on the 19 October to raise money for a number of good causes.
The run, originally billed as 10km, turned out to be closer to 12km and took the team up and down the streets and scenic land marks of Edinburgh and mixed running with plenty of additional obstacles to test even the fittest of competitors.
The course lead us up to Edinburgh Castle before charging down the Royal Mile, scaling the top of Carlton Hill, back through the Hollyrood Park and over the Radical Road leading up the side of Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh's highest hill. Finally, the course looped around and we ran back through into the city centre, before finishing in Princess Street Gardens.
Included in the already challenging route, were independent assault courses, cargo nets, ice cold plunge pools, climbing walls and various other obstacles, designed to drain any remaining energy from our tired bodies.
We are pleased to say that everyone in "Team Multrees" completed the course and managed to drag themselves over the final 8ft high "Wall of fame", before celebrating with a well-earned beer and burger.
Together, the team managed to raise a total of £530 for the Marie Curie, Charity Right and the Princes Trust charities. It was a fantastic day out and a great achievement for everyone.