CRR SYSC Disclosure

Multrees Investor Services Limited (MIS) is a CRR firm as defined by the FCA rules, but is not a significant CRR firm so SYSC 4.3A.8 & 4.3A.9 do not apply. As a CRR firm Multrees must explain how it complies with the requirements of SYSC 4.3A.

Management Body

MIS’s management body, i.e. The Board, The Audit & Risk Committee, The Remuneration Committee & Senior Managers, terms of reference and responsibilities are defined in a Board approved Risk Management Framework. The terms of reference includes all the responsibilities covered by SYSC 4.3A.1.

Chairman of the Board

The Chairman of MIS Board is a non-executive director and does not hold the Chief Executive function.

Skills and Expertise of the Management Body

The management body are assessed as to their skills, knowledge and reputation prior to appointment. Those individuals who also hold an FCA controlled function will also have these scrutinised by the FCA prior to being approved.

The executives within the management body receive on-going training and have to meet in-house Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements, which is tracked and reported to the Board. The non-executive directors have to report their CPD and training needs to MIS Risk, and any skills or knowledge gaps will be addressed.

The skills, expertise and time commitment, including other directorships, given by the management body are covered by periodic monitoring reviews by Risk & Compliance and any recommended actions or improvements tracked until implemented.

Diversity in MIS

MIS seeks to ensure that no discrimination occurs in recruitment or employment to the Firm, including the Management Body of the Firm, because of age, disability, sex, gender assignment, pregnancy, maternity, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), sexual orientation, religion or belief, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership.

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